• This do-it-yourself program helps communities prepare to become Colorado Creative Districts.
  • This credit enhancement helps small and medium-sized businesses in Colorado access loans that they would otherwise not get because they do not have enough collateral.
  • This program provides eligible semiconductor companies access to specific types of Enterprise Zone income tax credits; Colorado municipalities and counties must establish a CHIPS Zone through application to the EDC before companies can access these benefits.
  • This grant finances various projects across the state that create or revitalize mixed-use commercial centers.
  • This program certifies communities that contribute to our state’s economy through creativity, culture, and the arts.
  • This credit enhancement is for businesses that typically struggle to get access to a bank loan.
  • This federal program encourages long-term investments in designated low-income communities by giving investors tax incentives for investing in real estate projects.
  • As a part of the federal American Rescue Plan Act, the federal government passed the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) bill to fund small business credit support and investment programs.
  • This tax credit helps rehabilitate historic, owner-occupied commercial properties.
  • This grant helps Colorado communities plan economic development projects that create or retain permanent jobs.
  • This program encourages development in economically distressed areas of the state through tax incentives.
  • This grant provides financial support to help communities start and host successful film festivals in Colorado.
  • This program supports HUBZone-certified small businesses in designated areas of the State by providing them with preferential treatment in awarding federal contracts.
  • The Colorado Just Transition Action Plan provides more information on the Just Transition communities themselves, and it provides recommendations on supporting coal transition workers who are or will be laid off by connecting them with job and training opportunities, local, state, and federal resources, quality jobs, and more.
  • The Professional Pathways Program program is a tier based professional networking and development program for film students across the state.
  • These partners share expertise with filmmakers and help attract productions to their communities.
  • This program helps fund large tourism projects to attract new visitors from out of state after the 2008 Great Recession. This program has awarded all funds.
  • This grant and tax credit helps new businesses start in or move into rural, economically distressed areas and hire new employees.
  • This program helps communities convert buildings into affordable living and work spaces for creatives.