Local theaters in Colorado are offering unique experiences that celebrate #ShopLocalColorado

There are approximately 70 independent, locally-owned movie theaters located outside the Front Range, all of which have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of these theaters are on rural main streets and have an interdependent relationship with art galleries, bars, restaurants and retailers along the same strip. Theaters are an integral part of communities’ social fabric. 

Celebrate National Small Business Week with our Colorado small businesses

National Small Business Week is an annual opportunity to celebrate small businesses, access resources and network with peers. Started by the Small Business Administration (SBA), the celebration this year will be focused on  resilience and renewal. The SBA will be hosting free, virtual events throughout the week for business owners to meet and get expert advice. 

Show up for Women’s Equality Day with these women-owned local businesses

Women’s Equality Day is an opportunity to celebrate the 19th Amendment for women’s voting rights and calls attention to a continued effort for gender equality. In celebration, the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade is highlighting a few women-owned businesses across the state and encouraging all of our Colorado communities to shop locally.

Show your support for Women’s Equality Day this August by shopping at your local woman-owned business.

New Ways to Explore the Colorado Outdoors This Summer

Summer in Colorado provides myriad amazing opportunities to get outside. Whether you live in the mountains or are a weekend-warrior traveling from the front range, Colorado offers incredible outdoor recreation opportunities of all kinds. 

We are outlining a few unique opportunities to get outside that you may not have tried before. Many of us have hiked, biked and skied through the Rockies, but not all of us have explored these one-of-a-kind experiences. 

The Spending Power of Pride

As many know, June is national Pride Month. What some might not know is that metro Denver has the seventh largest LGBTQ+ community in the United States. As the first openly gay Governor, Governor Polis has made inclusivity and “Colorado for All” a cornerstone of his administration.

The LGBTQ+ community represents huge buying potential. Gay men and lesbians own more homes and cars, travel more, spend more on electronics and have the largest disposal income of any niche market. The community represents approximately 10 percent of the US consumer market. 

Celebrate The Mothers in Your Life By Shopping Locally This May

As part of the Shop Local Colorado campaign this May, we encourage shoppers to celebrate the mothers in their lives while also supporting local, small businesses across the state. 

We invite business owners and community partners to use the #ShopLocalColorado toolkit to share the shop local messaging and urge all Coloradans to shop locally, support our small businesses and boost their local economy.