Colorado Tourism Office News

Tourism Public Relations Successes and Looking Ahead to 2020 and 2021

The Colorado Tourism Office’s new fiscal year began on July 1, and our public relations staff and contractors have been busy measuring their successes from the past year and compiling their public relations plan for last fiscal year (July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020). Below outlines highlights as well as ways the industry can get involved.

Findings of 2019 Colorado Tourism Office Research

Statewide Visitation Up 2%, With Discretionary Leisure Travel Up 7%, highlights from “Colorado Travel Year 2019,” Longwoods International, June 2020

In 2019, Colorado welcomed a combined total of 86.9 million overnight and day visitors, up 2 percent from 2018. These included a record 39.0 million overnight visitors, up 3 percent from 37.8 million in 2018.

Day travel to and within Colorado also increased in 2019 to 47.9 million trips, up 1 percent from 2018. About 60 percent of Colorado day-trippers are Coloradans.