Film Incentive Task Force

Passed in May of 2022, House Bill 22-1408 created a film incentive task force. This task force will study how to make the performance-based incentive for film production in Colorado more effective. The task force is required to submit its findings to the House of Representatives’ Business Affairs and Labor Committee and the Senate Business, Labor, and Technology Committee by January 1, 2023.

The task force consists of two members of the State House of Representatives, two members of the State Senate, one representative of the Motion Picture Association of America, one member from a statewide labor organization involved in representing the film production workforce, one member from a statewide labor organization involved in representing on-camera performers, one representative from a business school in a Colorado institution of higher education, and the Director of the Office of Film, Television and Media.

Review the entirety of HB 22-1408.

Film Incentive Task Force Report As created by HB 22-1408 Authored by the Colorado Office of Film, Television and Media December 2022, (PDF)

Agendas and meeting minutes will be available on this webpage for each task force meeting.


Date Meeting Agendas Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2022 Film Incentive Task Force Meeting #5 December 16, 2022 agenda, (PDF) December 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes, (PDF)
November 14, 2022 Meeting cancelled No agenda as meeting was cancelled No minutes as meeting was cancelled
October 19, 2022 Film Incentive Task Force Meeting #4 October 19, 2022 agenda, (PDF)  
September 20, 2022 Film Incentive Task Force Meeting #3 September 20, 2022 agenda, (PDF)  
August 22, 2022 Film Incentive Task Force Meeting #2 August 22, 2022 agenda, (PDF) August 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes, (PDF)
July 28,  2022 Film Incentive Task  Force Meeting #1 July 28, 2022 agenda, (PDF) July 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes, (PDF)