MEDSource Inc.
We help the medical device company simulate the operating room environment in their training lab by offering products typically found in the OR: cautery, suction, lighting, surgical drills, surgical cameras, instrument sets, OR tables, etc. The medical device company provides all of their own specialty instrumentation and equipment that they are showcasing in the training, and MEDSource can provide almost everything else. Our typical rental is for 1-2 days. We take care of all of the logistics of shipping the equipment to and from the event.
Mentor Source, Inc.
"Services: Founded in 2002, Mentor Source is a distinguished provider of strategic counsel and custom training to corporate and government agencies
seeking to improve their electiveness through enhanced leadership, mentoring, coaching, project management, business analysis,
IT security and communication skills.
Mentor Source represents an outstanding collaboration of distinguished thought leaders, speakers, authors, coaches, trainers, researchers,
and masterful consultants. We have earned our reputation as artists in the transfer of knowledge, with an instructional, coaching and consulting staff that are consistently rated superior by our clients and our students.
Mentor Source team members are:
• Talented subject matter experts with significant experience as former and current White House Appointees, UN consultants, C-level leaders, government contractors, functional managers, project and program managers, and seminar leaders.
• Skilled practitioners who are also bestselling authors and experienced mentors, coaches, instructors and consultants; and
• Personable communicators who have the technical and interpersonal skills that insure a successful client and learner experience.
Mentor Source, Inc offers a portfolio of course content initially custom designed and delivered to the National Park Service as both live events and studio produced courses to over 5000 participants. We have converted many live training courses and added our studio produced courses to our asynchronous platform, available for viewing 24x7. Our catalog currently hosts over 100 courses and can be viewed at A short demo can be viewed at: this demo will allow you to view a few lessons from one of our hour-long classes.
Our content includes courses used by NPS employees and contractors to satisfy Project Management Professional aka, PMP, PDU requirements as well as FAC-P/PM and FAC-COR, and Role Based Security Training (RBST) continuing education hours. We also have three courses in IPv6. IPv6 overview, IPv6 Troubleshooting, and IPv6 addressing. Conversion from IPv4 to IPv6 is a federal mandate and our webinars,
delivered by the CIO of a top technical company dealing with the conversion, received high praise for their clarity and thoroughness
in explaining the transition and the technology. Our newest courses include a Cybersecurity Awareness series adding to our
existing Role Based Security Training, that many take for annual compliance training hours.
Courses satisfy these mandates in small bite size chunks so participants only need one to two hours to take a course. Sixteen separate sponsors from NPS have requested our events. We have provided training for NPS for 10 years."
Mile High Conspire!
"Employment Screening Solutions.
Background Checks.
Drug Free Work Place Compliance
Drug Testing- Pre-employment, Random, Post Accident, Reasonable Suspicion
Medical Review Officer
Random Pool Consortium
DNA testing - Paternity, Pre-Dispositional, Ancestry"
Mile High Fitness & Wellness, LLC
Provide wellness programs for corporations, schools, non profits and adult day centers. Provide in home personal training and nutrition coaching.
Mile High Multilingual Services
"MHMS is a one-stop-shop for all of your linguistic needs! We provide on-site interpreters for conferences, meetings, medical appointments, etc and Video Remote Interpreters for your shorter meetings, tests, parent/teacher conferences, etc. We provide translation for documents, websites, brochures, etc.
Companies that hire bi-lingual employees trust MHMS to test the potential candidate's language proficiency. We will tailor the Language Proficiency Test to your particular industry. LPAs save companies hundreds in employee turnover and liability!"
We can provide translation for over 120 languages through professionally certified translators. We provide interpretation through on site , videor remote and over the phone interpretation. We also provide Conference Interpretation Equipment which is perfect for conferences, meetings large and small.
MobilizeUs, LLC
MobilizeUs provides bulk text messaging services that help organizations insure their people get the information they need, when they need it. MobilizeUs also specializes in custom text messaging application development.
Modern Boutique
fashion design, gifts, clothes, electronic. whole sales and retail store