• Las certificaciones ayudan a las pequeñas empresas propiedad de minorías, veteranos y mujeres a ofertar y a ganar contratos con los gobiernos locales, estatales y el gobierno federal.
  • This program provides eligible semiconductor companies access to specific types of Enterprise Zone income tax credits; Colorado municipalities and counties must establish a CHIPS Zone through application to the EDC before companies can access these benefits.
  • This grant provides funding to Colorado businesses that were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and did not receive meaningful access to federal loans and grants under the CARES Act.
  • This grant funds the creation, documentation, presentation, and/or teaching of folk and traditional arts.
  • Identify which certifications will help your small minority, veteran- and women-owned business bid on and win contracts with local, state, and federal governments.
  • El Programa entrega recursos para negocios en Colorado que fueron desproporcionadamente impactados por la pandemia de COVID-19 y no han tenido un acceso significativo a programas de préstamo o subsidios a nivel federal o estatal bajo los recursos de CARES Act.