National Ski Patrol

"In March 1938, while officiating the National Downhill at Mount Mansfield in Stowe, Vermont, Roger F. Langley, then president of the National Ski Association, had an industry-changing idea. Langley was impressed by the "super patrol" for the race that Charles Minot "Minnie" Dole had created from members of the Mt. Mansfield, Pittsfield, and Burlington ski patrols. While watching the race at Shambles Corners on the Nosedive trail, Langley asked Dole if he would organize a national patrol like the one in use at the race. Not one to shy from a challenge, and having lost a friend on the slopes two years earlier, "Minnie" accepted, and the National Ski Patrol was born.

Today, the nonprofit National Ski Patrol still adheres to the creed of "Service and Safety" established more than 75 years ago. As the industry has evolved, so too has the NSP. The emergence of new snow sports like snowboarding, tubing, and snow-skating has introduced new equipment and terrain, requiring new safety and rescue techniques and emergency care methods to be developed and taught. In addition, greater access to the backcountry has brought new training and regimens for NSP members.

As the leading authority of on-mountain safety, the NSP is dedicated to serving the public and outdoor recreation industry by providing education and accreditation to emergency care and safety service providers. The organization is made up of over 29,000 members serving over 650 patrols. Our members work on behalf of local ski and snowboard areas to improve the overall experience for outdoor recreationalists."
Street Address
133 S. Van Gordon St. Suite 100, Lakewood, Colorado 80228
Industry Category
Recreation Category