Reimagine Industry Associations Success Story: Colorado Brewers Guild


Colorado Brewers Guild (CBG) was approved to participate in the Reimagine Industry Associations Program by the Colorado Tourism Office in October 2022.

The purpose of CBG is to build awareness of Colorado's craft beer industry for the entire state. With a reach of 298 active members, CBG represents and supports independent Colorado craft breweries and enables them to become successful and innovative breweries through educational opportunities, advocacy, and hosting festivals and events.

CBG was paired with Olivia Ward, a CRAFT Mentor with travel and tourism experience in social media marketing, digital advertising, and digital content strategy, to deliver 75 hours of consulting to conduct the activities listed below.

The purpose of the Reimagine Industry Associations Mentor project was to increase opportunities between Colorado destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and CBG through partnership development, delivery of marketing resources, and strategic planning.

Project objectives included:

  • Facilitate partnership development with select DMOs to increase awareness of breweries among visitors
  • Develop relevant resources, including brewery tour content, to help DMOs successfully promote and connect with local breweries
  • Develop a strategic framework for CBG to partner with future DMOs
  • Develop a DMO toolkit for breweries to begin working with their local DMO

Colorado Brewers Guild achieved the following results with its Reimagine Industry Associations Mentor:

  • Strategies that foster partnership opportunities between DMOs and breweries
  • Collaboration Fest and Colorado Pint Day on event listing support and guidance that includes supporting documents to develop events
  • Resource to increase social media awareness and foster digital engagement between CBG and breweries
  • Recommendations for Colorado Tourism Office creative asset production shoot that includes locations, talent, and activities

“The Reimagine Industry Associations program has been extremely helpful in helping us rebuild our capacity and refocus our strategies to promote Colorado craft beer.” — Shawnee Adelson, Colorado Brewers Guild