Easy Does It Counseling
Providing online psychotherapy and mentorship for counselors-in-training in Colorado. As a minority-owned business, we live, serve, and train with cultural understanding and inclusion at the forefront.
Walsh Music Academy, LLC
We provide private & group music instruction services via in-person and online lessons and classes. We offer piano, voice, music theory, and general music classes (hand bells, djembe, ear training, rhythmic training, and singing), and and focus highly on developing independent musicianship within each student.
Lotus Life & Wellness, LLC
Lotus Life & wellness is a Latina-led small business that predominantly serves Latinx and immigrant women and families. Our business has focused on reaching the Spanish-speaking population that faces cultural barriers and challenges that limit their access to linguistically and culturally appropriate services.
We seek to address the disparities among Latino and Spanish-Speaking communities that have yet to be addressed or connected to much-needed mental health and wellness services by providing life and wellness coaching and mental health education and prevention.
Well Works
Well Works was built to equip individuals within the construction industry with the "essential skills" (i.e., soft skills/ people skills, trust, respect, motivation, and communication) necessary to build successful people, projects, and teams.
Diversity Matters
At Diversity Matters, we encourage businesses that support diversity. With our consulting, training, inclusive marketing, and research programs, we aim to help businesses understand the power of inclusion. Whether you’re just starting to embrace diversity in your organization or looking to strengthen existing initiatives, Diversity Matters can help.
Nativa Spanish LLC
Fun Spanish immersion enrichment programs for kids.
Serving school Districts and Private schools Pre-K -5th grades, in person and online interactive classes.
During School and After school programs.
Golden Aspen Early Learning Center
Golden Aspen Bilingual Early Learning Center is a bilingual center that follows a play-based education philosophy and much of our program is based on the Reggio Emilia approach to Early Childhood Education.
Our classrooms are mixed age with children ranging from 2 ½ to 5 years old. We value quality time with each child and believe that it's important to balance socialization and time to play by themselves with group and individual attention.
Ecosistema Design LLC
At Ecosistema Design, we help build capacities in leaders and organizations to better serve communities of color and historically excluded professionals by weaving inclusion and belonging into the workplace. Rather than offering conventional diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings and stand-alone workshops, we work with you to develop custom solutions to address your organization’s unique needs. We help you determine where you are in your inclusion and equity journey and create a strategy and implementation plan to move you forward.

We strongly believe that change needs to happen both at the individual, the team, and at the organizational level. Our services focus on individual, team, and organizational practices that build awareness AND help develop inclusive behaviors. We provide tools for your team to address structural racism and inequities to enact sustainable and long-lasting change and the support that you and your team will need to handle all the thoughts that will arise as part of your transformation.