Stephanie Gripne Headshot

Stephanie Gripne

Employee Ownership Commission Member
Employee Ownership Commission

As Founder and CEO of Impact Finance Center (IFC), Stephanie is the creative force behind several social enterprises to accelerate the impact investing movement and move $1T in investment capital into social ventures doing well by doing good including the following: CO Impact Days, Impact Investing Institute, and Rocky Mountain Who’s Who & Impact Investing.

Lauded by Forbes as “the Steve Jobs of impact investing”, Stephanie is continuously innovating IFC’s model, which serves as an accelerator for asset owners, by identifying, educating, and activating early adopter philanthropists and investors who want to become impact investors. In just five years, Stephanie has positioned the State of Colorado as the leader in impact investing and the successful pilot for a National Impact Investing Marketplace. Early evaluation efforts of IFC’s work indicate that 260 direct impact investments of $260 M have been completed. A successful entrepreneur, academic, investment advisor, and impact investor, Stephanie’s vision is driven by 20 years of combined experience at the EcoProducts Fund $100 Ecosystem Service private equity fund, the Nature Conservancy, the USDA Forest Service, DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Journal of Wildlife Management, and several universities.

She received her Ph.D. from the Boone and Crockett Wildlife Conservation Program at the University of Montana, and has a B.S. in Biology & Wildlife Management from the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point and a M.S. in Ecology from Utah State University. Stephanie is an Aspen Institute Environment Forum Scholar, Environmental Leadership Senior Fellow, Property Environment Research Center Fellow, Ford Foundation Community Forestry Fellow, and Boone and Crockett Professional Member.