Rural Data Dashboard

The Rural Data Dashboard contains a collection of monthly and quarterly economic data for each county in Colorado. Utilizing a collection of data from sources such as the Colorado Department of Revenue, Colorado Secretary of State, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Census Bureau, the Rural Data Dashboard provides timely economic information to support economic development initiatives in rural Colorado. Those interested in accessing the data can view the information through the following dashboards that aggregate the data according to three different approaches:

The Colorado County Data Dashboard is the dashboard within the Rural Data Dashboard program that contains a collection of monthly and quarterly economic data at the county geographic level for each county in Colorado.

The OEDIT Region Data Dashboard is the dashboard within the Rural Data Dashboard program that contains a collection of monthly and quarterly economic data for each OEDIT Regional Economy within the state. Explore Colorado's 14 different regions on Choosecolorado.com

The Economic Development District Dashboard is the dashboard within the Rural Data Dashboard program that contains a collection of monthly and quarterly economic data at a regional geographic level for economic development districts recognized by the Economic Development Agency. 

In order to support active engagement with key economic data for rural Colorado, the Rural Opportunity Office has developed resources that are free and accessible for anyone. 

The Rural Data Dashboard 101 document provides citations and data definitions for all information found within the Rural Data Dashboard. 

The Rural Data Dashboard - Understanding the Numbers module within our Rural Technical Assistance Program (RTAP) is a free educational module that provides detailed explanations of the information found within the Rural Data Dashboard.

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