• This program is made up of a coalition of partners across the state that share important messaging about preserving and protecting our state’s natural resources.
  • This program provides eligible semiconductor companies access to specific types of Enterprise Zone income tax credits; Colorado municipalities and counties must establish a CHIPS Zone through application to the EDC before companies can access these benefits.
  • Participants in the Colorado Dark Sky Certification Mentor program will receive 70 hours of free consulting support from DarkSky Colorado to implement activities that reduce light pollution and protect access to Colorado’s incredible night skies.
  • This federal program encourages long-term investments in designated low-income communities by giving investors tax incentives for investing in real estate projects.
  • This tax credit helps rehabilitate historic, owner-occupied commercial properties.
  • This grant helps Colorado communities plan economic development projects that create or retain permanent jobs.
  • This grant and tax credit helps new businesses start in or move into rural, economically distressed areas and hire new employees.