Gov. Polis Leading Investment Mission to Nordic Countries

To encourage and spur more international investment into Colorado and boost our state’s thriving economy, Governor Polis, officials within the Global Business Development Division of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, and a Colorado delegation are on an investment mission in Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

“Colorado is a global economic leader. Our strong international relationships create jobs for Coloradans and boost investment in our state. I am thrilled to help build new partnerships in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, nations that share our commitment to renewable energy, technological innovation, quantum computing and other thriving Colorado industries,” said Governor Jared Polis.

The Governor’s investment mission includes a full agenda of company, investor, government, and diplomacy meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark, Stockholm, Sweden, and Helsinki, Finland to explore investment opportunities. Gov. Polis joined the mission in Stockholm and Helsinki.

The Nordic countries are known for collaborative initiatives that have propelled Denmark, Sweden and Finland to the forefront of global innovation. The Colorado delegation will exchange ideas and gain insights into emerging technologies in the areas of renewable energy, technology, innovation and quantum. Goals of the mission are to forge partnerships between government, business and academia; learn from each other’s successes and challenges; explore new strategies for sustainable economic growth; and showcase Colorado’s vibrant economy as a key international partner for investment.

“Western Europe is a leading destination for Colorado business expansion, and the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland and Sweden offer significant opportunities for growth in areas that are strategically important to our state. This investment mission represents an opportunity to advance our commitment and showcase Colorado’s leadership in the areas of renewable energy, technology, innovation and quantum while supporting the growth of Colorado companies,” said OEDIT’s Executive Director, Eve Lieberman.

The economies of Colorado, Denmark, Finland and Sweden share many competitive strengths that will be explored throughout the mission:

Sweden - In Sweden, the Colorado delegation will explore several areas of focus: entrepreneurship; deeptech, robotics and AI; clean technologies and renewable energies; and digital transformation and telecommunications. Emphasis will be placed on idea exchange, exploring potential new collaborations and contributing to both regions’ goals of a greener future.

Denmark - Colorado and Denmark share a commitment to sustainable practices, the adjacent green economy space, and quantum technologies. The visit will focus on new opportunities in wind, solar, and hydrogen energies, as well as energy storage, e-mobility, and urban sustainability. Recently designated as a quantum tech hub by the Biden Administration, Colorado aims to foster partnerships and collaborative ventures in this cutting-edge field.

Finland - Finland also shares Colorado’s commitment to sustainable practices, the green economy space and the development of quantum technologies. The delegation will celebrate successes achieved through a 2022 Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Colorado and the government of Finland and explore new opportunities in renewable energy, including hydrogen, extreme weather monitoring and sensing, and quantum. The delegation will also focus on fostering partnerships and collaborative ventures in quantum.

“Investment missions offer Colorado companies and institutions critical exposure to foreign markets, increasing foreign investment and enhancing our state’s global competitiveness. Visiting Denmark, Finland and Sweden is a unique opportunity to highlight Colorado as an ideal business location and expand relationships in a region of the world that shares our commitments to innovation and entrepreneurship,” said Michelle Hadwiger, Director of Global Business Development for OEDIT.

Colorado delegates include representatives from Alquist 3D, Atom Computing, Colorado Health & Tech Centers, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, LongPath Technologies, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), United Airlines, University of Colorado Boulder, VeroTouch, Vescent Technologies, Xairos.

This is the Governor’s third investment mission. During his first term, the Governor conducted an investment mission in India with a collaborative focus on idea exchange around cleantech, smart mobility, and renewable energy. In 2023, Gov. Polis led a mission in Japan to exchange ideas related to aerospace, renewable energy, innovation, research, entrepreneurship and the shared values Colorado and Japan hold and celebrate the post-pandemic return of the direct flight between Denver and Tokyo.