Colorado Celebrates National Small Business Development Center Day 2020

The Colorado Small Business Development Center Network, a division of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), will celebrate National SBDC Day on Thursday, March 18 with a series of events. 

SBDC Day is a national proclamation of the vital impact America’s Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) have on economic development and the small businesses community. The Colorado SBDC will celebrate at the State Capitol from 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. with client exhibitor tables from around the state showcasing the breadth of their businesses and products. The event is free and open to the public. 

In the evening, the Colorado SBDC Network will host a private reception at the Governor’s Mansion to celebrate the important work of the Colorado SBDC Network and to recognize a successful business from each of Colorado’s 15 SBDC offices.

In 2019, 227 Colorado businesses attributed their start to the help they received from an SBDC. The SBDC network helped to create 1,596 new jobs, retain an additional 1,945 jobs and increase statewide sales by more than $99 million. Nationwide, SBDCs helped to create 99,194 new jobs - a job every 5.3 minutes. They supported the creation of 16,499 new jobs and assisted in the increase of small business sales by $7 billion.  

“The Colorado SBDC Network is excited for this opportunity to showcase the many small businesses successes that exist across the state”, said Joey Jenkins, Colorado SBDC Network Director. Over 14,000 Colorado small business owners came through our doors last year. SBDC day is our moment to boast about the significant economic impact that these businesses create in the economy and inform other small business owners about the resources they have available to them across the nation.”

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