The Employee Ownership Office and Exit Planning Institute Share Findings on Business Ownership Transitions in Colorado

Today, the Colorado Employee Ownership Office of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) and the Exit Planning Institute released the 2022 Colorado State of Owner Readiness Report, offering key insights into the future of small businesses in Colorado. As a growing number of business owners approach retirement, the report sheds light on how prepared they are and how the State of Colorado can help these owners transition out of their businesses, realize the economic benefits of their hard work, and retain jobs across the state.

The Colorado Employee Ownership Office Announces Four Conversions from Trial Grant

DENVER - The Colorado Employee Ownership Office (EOO) at the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) announces four employee ownership conversions from round two of the Employee Ownership Trial Grant.

The trial grant reimburses professional technical services required for an employee ownership conversion, such as accounting, legal and business valuation. 

The Colorado Employee Ownership Office Reports Four Conversions from Recent Grant

DENVER - The Colorado Employee Ownership Office (EOO) at the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) launched the first round of the Employee Ownership Trial Grant in January. The grant, open to Colorado-headquartered small businesses, reimbursed professional technical services required for businesses to transition to an employee-ownership model.