July 2022 Messaging: Wildfire Prevention

In recent decades much of Colorado has grown hotter and drier, increasing wildfire risk. And this season is no exception to that. The Care for Colorado team wants to help our Partners and Members increase knowledge and awareness about the importance of fire safety and prevention.

Back in April, Governor Polis and fire agencies across the state provided their annual wildfire outlook where officials warned that 2022 has the potential to be another devastating wildfire year. Their long-range forecasts indicate above-average temperatures and below-average precipitation will continue through the summer. This is expected to result in the persistence and expansion of drought conditions across the state and the emergence of above-average significant fire potential this season. As such, in addition to the resources provided below, there are other crisis-communications resources available from the CTO, including the Crisis Communications Toolkit.

CTO PR is here to support Colorado’s tourism-industry partners in any way needed during a crisis so please don’t hesitate to contact them at media@COLORADO.com.

Help Us Share the Care for Colorado Monthly Messaging

Shareable Resources from the Colorado Tourism Office and Leave No Trace:

Shareable Resources from the the Care for Colorado Coalition:

#CareForColorado Social Media Posts

Share any of the “Trash the Trash”’ social media posts below to encourage and inspire visitors to Care for Colorado on all their adventures. Easily use one (or all) of these ready-to-go social posts, or create your own. Don’t forget to tag @VisitColorado and @LeaveNoTraceOrg.

  • Before you head out on your adventure, check local fire restrictions to make sure campfires are allowed. #CareForColorado #LeaveNoTrace
  • Protect ground cover and prevent unintentional fires by using existing fire rings to build your campfire and remember to drown out your fire with water until it is cool to the touch. #CareForColorado #LeaveNoTrace
  • Cook it on a camp stove! Camp stoves are fast and no need to gather wood, tend to a fire or douse it in water before going to bed. #CareForColorado #LeaveNoTrace
  • Following the four Ds of firewood collection and using only dead, downed, dinky and distant wood to build a campfire will help protect the ecosystem and help reduce the chance of forest fires. If you purchase wood, do so locally to prevent the spread of invasive species. #CareForColorado #LeaveNoTrace

Care for Colorado Coalition "Wildfire Prevention" Success Stories

  • Visit Estes Park utilized partnerships within their community and the Care for Colorado Leave No Trace principle, Know Before You Go, to create custom content to help educate visitors on wildfire prevention.
  • The U.S. Forest Service designed and handed out Fire Prevention Posters at trailheads in the Roosevelt National Forest last summer. They incorporated a QR code that took visitors directly to the Care for Colorado Leave No Trace Seven Principles.

Care for Colorado Coalition News

  • Colorado State Outdoor Recreation Grant Open: The Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office (OREC) is pleased to announce the opening of the Colorado State Outdoor Recreation Grant program on June 1st. OREC will be accepting applications for roughly $4 million in competitive funding for projects related to economic development and recovery in the outdoor recreation sector. Eligible entities include government bodies, nonprofits, colleges/universities, economic development organizations, and Indian Tribes.
  • Colorado Scenic Byways wins organization award
  • Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado’s 2022 Calendar showcases all of VOC’s projects and training as well as highlights sponsors to our volunteers, partners, and donors.
  • Stewardship Member, Colorado Springs Regional Parks, Trails and Open Space has officially been named a Leave No Trace Gold Standard Site. Colorado Springs is the first municipal site to receive this designation and the fourth gold standard site in Colorado.