Lieutenant Governor and Colorado Office of Economic Development Lead Investment Mission to Australia and New Zealand

Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera and Colorado’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade will lead an investment mission to Australia and New Zealand on September 23 - 26. Representatives from local area economic development offices will participate as Colorado delegates during the mission.

“Colorado’s strengths have great appeal to Australian and New Zealand markets and our message continues to advance diplomatic and business relations,” said Lieutenant Governor Primavera. “The Governor’s Office looks forward to traveling down under and exploring opportunities for continued partnership with our state.”

Colorado has seen a strong uptick in Australian and New Zealand companies choosing Colorado as the place to begin their North American operations. Australia companies cite many reasons why Colorado is appealing as a gateway to their North American operations including time zone, access to talent, lower entry costs, lifestyle and Colorado’s collaborative business environment.

In addition to several scheduled site visits and FDI prospect meetings, the Lieutenant Governor will meet with  Australian and New Zealand national and local Government officials.

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