Party Potions Bartending Services

We strive to serve amazing drinks while providing VIP service and entertaining the customers in the LGBTQ and Ally community for a memorable experience at their choice of location. We can provide everything for your experience except the liquor which we can assist you with your purchase.

In today’s world, people more often enjoy new and exciting things and have a habit of following new trends. Even in the past, people knew how to enjoy a glass of good drink and it is safe to say that alcohol is present in almost every adult social gathering. As the time is changing, the old classic venues are becoming too mainstream and people seek for something new and authentic. This is how traveling bartenders have become so widely accepted as the venues become less traditional and need pop up bars and bartenders.

So when will be able to provide some magical potions for your party?
180 S Holman Way
Self Certification(s)
Bonding Approved
Full Name
Cindy Alix