Launch Point

From $1M to $5M, We Provide the Systems & Processes to Make That Happen | Fractional COO | Operations Expert.

Are you on the path from $1M to $5M? This is for you.

Does any of this sound familiar?
* You and your team struggle with unstructured workflows. Processes and systems exist in theory, but don’t work in the day-to-day reality of your business.

* Too many times things are falling through the cracks and there is lack of clarity around standards and accountability.

* You want to take things to the next level in your business, but you are not sure how. There is no lack of great ideas and projects to be implemented but you can’t seem to get them off the ground.

* There is always an emergency that needs to be taken care of. More often than not you are wearing fire fighter gear instead of your business attire. You know operations could run smoother and be more productive but you don’t have the time to figure out how.

You are most likely:
- Throwing people at problems (i.e. hiring more team members)
- Buying shiny new tools (read: expensive and not-vetted for fit)
- Shouldering as much as possible of the burden yourself (i.e. on the path to burnout)
- Trying to fit your business into one of the many models out there that promise to be the one-size fits all and will provide you with instantly flawless internal operations and increased revenue
- Hiring coaches and consultants to implement the above models or provide you with really expensive advice that you have no time to implement

Here’s the problem. None of these things are getting to the root cause of your problems. They are all expensive band-aids. They all assume all businesses are the same and therefore can be squeezed into pre-programmed packages of one kind or another.

What if instead you had a customized roadmap on how to address and solve the root cause of your problems? AND a team of experts who could come in and implement it for you? It’s like having a 7-course meal prepared by a private chef instead of going to the all you can eat buffet.

What could that approach do for your business? Contact me to schedule a free discovery call that’s completely devoid of selling, but chock-full of the questions you really need to ask yourself and no-BS advice
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Suite 130, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Self Certification(s)
Bonding Approved
Full Name
Dafne Tsakiris
Owner & CEO