GoalFundz, LLC

GoalFundz is your first and only Daily Deals and Fundraising site! We connect local businesses with schools, organizations, and individuals.

We connect local businesses with schools, organizations, and individuals to meet their fundraising goals. We help our Fundraising Partners by giving them the platform that no longer forces us to sell things to our friends and family that they DO NOT want or need.


Raising money for your cause and growing local businesses!
Save Money-Raise Money!

GoalFundz donates 20% off the top from our profits to our participating Fundraising Partners while helping people save money on discounted deals for things they DO want and need! Meanwhile, we are helping local businesses thrive by connecting them with new and valuable customers!
2993 S. Peoria St. Suite G-10 Aurora, CO 80014
Bonding Approved
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