Advance Colorado Procurement Expo - Exhibitor Information

Thank you for signing up to exhibit at the 2022 virtual Advance Colorado Procurement Expo. This is a unique opportunity to showcase your business to other business owners, procurement officials from government agencies, large corporations, and the general public.

Follow these instructions to set up your virtual exhibit booth and get the most out of your exhibiting experience.

How to set up your booth

  1. Visit https://2022acpe.expofp.com to get started.


  1. Identify a booth location you would like and click on it. Then click “Reserve”.

  1. Complete as much information as you can on the Contact page. The more information you share about your business, the better visitors will be able to find you and learn about you.

  1. When you’re done with the contact information, you’ll next want to “Edit Profile”. You can click “Save” at the bottom and come back as many times to edit and add to this information.

  1. Complete as much information as possible on your business profile page. As a reminder, the more information you share, the better visibility for your business.

  1. Be sure to add in videos to your products and services, PDF flyers of what you have to offer, and other images and videos that share testimonials. Review these suggestions for creating great videos.

  1. You can share links to schedule appointments with you, via Calendly or SimplyMeet. You can also set up a Zoom or Google Meet meeting for October 6th, which allows conference attendees to meet with you live that day and learn more about your business.

  1. Be sure to click “Save” when you’re done. As a reminder, you can come back as many times as you’d like to add or edit information.


Event Contact