Laurie is smiling and looking at the camera directly. She has short medium light blonde hair and is wearing brown glasses with hues of yellow in them. She has small dangling earrings and a pink cardigan. She has a white shirt underneath the cardigan.

Laurie Ganong Jones

Venture Capital Authority Board Member

Laurie Ganong Jones is a founding board member of the Colorado Venture Capital Authority serving two terms which included positions as  Chair and Vice Chair.  A serial entrepreneur, she is currently co-founder of Plain Skincare LLC in Sterling CO.  The company develops and markets products under the brand Rideau Organics.  She is a business consultant with East Colorado SBDC, advising small business clients on financial, technology, and strategic planning topics.   Previous investment experience includes Edward Jones Financial Advisor and supporting the IPO team for Sykes Enterprises.  Sykes acquired Jones Technologies, which Laurie co-founded with her husband Dan. They both stayed on with Sykes past the IPO and assisted in efforts to grow Sykes into a global leader in outsourced tech and customer support.  She has a BA in Economics, from the University of CA Davis, and an MBA from Pepperdine Graziadio School of Business.