Woman with dark brown hair smiling with her mouth closed, wearing a cream cardigan and white vneck t-shirt.

Dominique Acevedo

Executive Director of Northeast Denver Housing Center

Dominique Acevedo, Executive Director of Northeast Denver Housing Center, has a Bachelor of Environmental Design, majoring in architecture, from the University of Colorado at Boulder and has a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning, emphasizing in Urban Design.  Her background is in affordable housing design and development as well as working with local municipalities, city planning department. She has worked on over 50 affordable housing development projects, totaling over $280 million dollars, creating over 1,500 units during the past twenty-seven years at Northeast Denver Housing Center, a non-profit community development corporation.  Housing development projects developed under her leadership have included residential, commercial, single and multifamily, new construction, rehabilitation projects, rental and homeownership.