Two Colorado Companies Win Prestigious Honor of Governor’s Award for Excellence in Exporting

Colorado companies Tailwind Nutrition and Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. were announced today as the two winners of the 2019 Governor’s Award for Excellence in Exporting for their contributions to the Colorado economy through international trade.

"Tailwind Nutrition and Lightning Eliminators are shining examples of how exporting can help expand businesses, increase profits and grow Colorado’s economy,” said Governor Jared Polis. “We are honored to recognize these companies for their commitment and wish them continued success.”

Tailwind Nutrition is a Durango-based company that manufactures and sells endurance sports and recovery drinks specifically designed for athletes training and competing in 2+ hour sports such as trail and ultra-running, road and mountain biking, hiking, obstacle course racing, stand-up paddle boarding, climbing, Nordic skiing, and more. They solve the specific nutritional challenges endurance athletes face: stomach/GI problems and balancing calories, electrolytes, and hydration. Tailwind currently export to 23 foreign markets through distribution channels, employing 20 people and growing their Colorado manufacturing footprint in Durango, Colorado.

Lightning Eliminators and Consultants Inc. was founded in 1971 by Roy B. Carpenter, Jr., and still operates today under the guidance and supervision of the Carpenter Family in Boulder, Colorado.

LEC incorporates physics and state-of-the-art engineering principles to implement patented lightning protection systems (LPS), solutions and services across multiple industries. Their patented design provides protection successfully and cost efficiently, designing comprehensive lightning protection solutions ensuring all destructive elements of both primary and secondary effects of a lightning strike are accounted for.  Lightning Eliminators provides Lightning Protection for more than 80 countries and continues to grow.

The Governor’s Award for Excellence in Exporting was established in 1970 and recognizes economic growth through international business.  Winners will be formally recognized today at World Trade Day, the region’s premier international trade event.

Awardees will receive $500 worth of consulting services through the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) Global Consultant Network. The program connects qualifying Colorado companies to global opportunities and market education.

Colorado exported $8.3 billion in products in 2018. The Excellence in Exporting Award recognizes this contribution to the state’s economy by highlighting noteworthy accomplishments by Colorado exporters.

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