Social Equity Licensee Highlight: YS Delivery Service AI and Meta-Zon CannaClub

The Cannabis Business Office's Social Equity Licensee Highlight series dives into the stories of social equity licensees currently operating in the cannabis space. By exploring the unique backgrounds, challenges, and opportunities of these owners, our case studies serve as unique window into the cannabis industry and a way for businesses to learn from one another.

Yadira Silva is the Founder of YS Delivery Service AI and was recently awarded Colorado’s Cannabis Business Pilot Grant for her startup, Meta-Zon CannaClub. YS Delivery Service AI delivers cannabis to businesses and customers, while focusing on driver safety and the health of our planet. Meta-Zon CannaClub is a hospitality venture that offers virtual reality gaming and socializing.

What sparked your interest in the cannabis industry?

When I was looking for more work in the cleaning industry, I went to an event where they were talking about doing the “State of Colorado Disparity Study”. The study looked at the utilization and availability of State contracts to businesses owned by people of color, women, persons with physical or mental disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community - which I knew I was a part of!

By that point, the cannabis industry was offering more employment opportunities. With research, I found that Denver was hosting meetings to plan out opportunities for new business owners. I stay tuned all 2017 to 2019, going in person to hear about the plans, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I was so impressed by the unification of voices asking for justice and inclusion for people like me. I felt that I could be a part of the solution by becoming a member of The Color of Cannabis and a successful cannabis business owner! I was also inspired by the idea of serving people who are in pain by bringing their medicine in the comfort of their home in a timely fashion. All of this made a career in cannabis an interest and passion of mine.

How will your work impact the community?

My goal is to build a sustainable, secure, and innovative business. Sustainability is really important because I care about the environment, and so we will recollect the waste generated by our B2B and B2C cannabis delivery.

For our delivery personnel, we are working for security and safety using artificial intelligence, Xtended Reality Glasses, and a network of people watching out for our business.

Also, when my startup business, Meta-Zon CannClub, starts generating profit, I want to adapt a SunRoof Solar system. The system warms water in the shower rooms by the parks, so that homeless people can shower.

Is there anything interesting about your backstory that you’d like to share?

I am a single mother with two children. I am applying under the income criteria because I am starting from scratch since getting divorced a year ago. I thought I was losing him, but instead I am earning my financial freedom for retirement. I have invested everything I have into social equity participation!

Please share something unique about your company.

We use an innovative application with Metaverse and are social equity participants!

The health and safety of our patients, customers, and employees is our top priority. We see a future where our company impacts the wellbeing of our drivers and the life of our planet. That’s why YS Cannabis Delivery Service AI was created.

We specialize in transporting cannabis products from business to business, and business to customer. We make sure to collect and properly recycle empty containers from our customers, which we return cleaned, disinfected, and sterilized for our businesses.

What challenges do you face as a small business and social equity licensee?

As a social equity licensee, I was lucky to start out really knowing my rights and that I have a voice in here! A challenge I face is the acceptance of white people to do business with me. I did not know how to find those business owners at first.

Also, financial support was a challenge. But today, I have more support from Sarah Woodson’s “The Color of Cannabis”, and Mark Slaugh’s “ICOMPLY LLC”. They make my life easier throughout this journey!

What would you change about the Colorado cannabis industry if you could?

COVID 19 created many challenges for most industries, but the cannabis industry faced more threatening challenges such as violence and robbery. What we would like to see is the safety of cannabis employees become a priority.

I would also want to change the feeling of envy of caution among business owners in the industry - because of these feelings, some businesses avoid collaborating and sharing. The sun-like funds are abundant, but if you come out of the shadows and look hard, you will find all the treasures in knowledge, support, and funds!

Want your business to be featured in a monthly highlight?

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